360 Whitepaper

Introducing DSTACK( Design Stack ) ECAD | Fusion 360 Spring 2024

ONE File Canvas Workflow

for ECAD 360 / CAE Electronics Engineering Design

New DSTACK UX Design & Features

1. DSTACK . ONE FILE management - a single file for schemas and PCB's . Multi-board
2. The NEW [ M ] manufacturing deck manager
3. Schemas - ONE canvas = 1+ Schemas
4. PCB - ONE canvas = 1+ PCB's
5. Canvas "Boundary Box"(TM)
6. Create new, insert, upload schemas/PCB's on your canvas
7. "Anytime Task Workflow"(TM)
8. An open canvas workspace provides a holistic view and management of your designs
9. HDI use and standardization
10. Auto PCB footprint layout! ( seriously! - just like auto trace route )
11. Auto HDI - rules, pin vias, pin boundaries - derived from manufacturing rules / HDI rules
12. Auto trace routing optimization
13. Auto impedance optimization
14. Auto simulation optimization assist
15. HSD ( high speed design ) config selection, the need for speed!
16. Real-time constraint-driven flow, virtually eliminate respins, for rapid time to market
17. Let's face it, ECAD can be boring, not anymore! Inspire Creative Design Ingenuity vs forced legacy workflows

The CANVAS workspace holds the Boundary boxe(s) like an assembly and the Boundary box is similar to the component concept, which holds your schemas, and PCB's, we call it a DSTACK (TM) vs an assembly

Schema + Sub Circuits

Boundary box with schema can add + sub circuits Right click symbol component ADD + sub circuit - a new boundary box appears ( visually attached )

Rapid Symbol insertion

Rapid single CLICK Insert - symbols with number count ( no dragging or cumbersome double clicking ) with auto arrange Rapid spacing - horizontal or vertical auto spacing with dimensioning

SLI ( schema layout intent ) method

Laying out your schema symbols to the PCB footprint layout you intend to actually use. This modern symbol layout workflow method still maintains schema presentation readability expectations for legacy users and manufacturing vendors

PCB board dimensioning / auto align

just like Fusion, now with SAME sketch dimensioning and auto align functionality - no more unwieldy lines

[ M ] Manufacturing deck manager

[ M ] Manufacturing deck ( previously called, design manager ) - shows ALL circuits at-the-ready for manufacturing - the DSTACK canvas manages your designs now!

[ M ] Multiple vendor manufacturing rules . Custom

Default OR Custom vendor manufacturing rules selection PER circuit, allowing for multiple vendors to pick from for specific circuit manufacturing needs - DSTACK will manage all of it

Cross Connect(TM) PCB's simulation on canvas

As it says, cross functional board to board(s) wired-up "simulation mode" connection simulations, to prove out your functionality, right on your canvas . Your PCB DSTACK functionality can be validated all together, nice! That's how we roll!

"Anytime Workflow"(TM)

As the title says, all MCAD, CAM, ECAD co-collaboration, communications, notifications, task assignments, project management, are centralized in all the primary workspaces

We drive(TM) design Linking . ME

MCAD + ECAD insert linking, cross directional design/profile updates with instant workspace notifications - true real-time collaboration

local-cloud(TM) project & file storage

optional local cloud storage is providing P2P ( peer to peer ) 1 to 1 same team sharing functionality - re-sync to your cloud anytime! with "Anytime Workflow"(TM) Individuals and companies / corporations may require their IP assets / work-product liabilities to be handled as their legal policy dictates, ( nobody has this, but we do! )

Circuit Share(TM)

Fellow ECAD designers hub sharing premade schema and PCB circuits that are ready to drop in ( search for your circuit needs, HDI, 6 layers, component type ect ) you can swap your own board - Just like fusion, McMaster, find fasteners and drop it in your workspace . You can add your own circuits to the hub! Hub packs include auto installed components! it's like open-source software libraries but for ECAD!

New Features details

Boundary Box

One boundary box for each Schema / PCB on the canvas for rapid EIP holistic design overview and management
Drag and drop boundary box re-order positioning on canvas
Each boundary box board has it own zero origin
Boundary box, segments, organizes, schemas and PCB's on their ONE canvas
( Three dot menu . . . ) The boundary box functions, link-to PCB=( Schema canvas ), unlink, replace PCB, [ M ] Vendor rules selection=( PCB canvas ), opaque, isolate and archive

SLI ( Schema Layout Intent ) method

Laying out your schema symbols to the PCB footprint layout you intend to actually use. This modern symbol layout workflow method still maintains schema presentation readability expectations for legacy users and manufacturing vendors and this will assist the AUTO-footprint PCB layout function, DRY method ( don't repeat yourself )

*Introducing PCB auto footprint layout

Introducing PCB auto footprint "AID"(TM) ( artificial intelligence data ) layout assist ( like auto-routing ) the need for speed . Real-time constraint-driven flow, virtually eliminate respins, for rapid time to market
it's based on your manufacturing rules / dielectric, component functions / interaction, in-output supply positions and the schemas layout format, positioned within the selected PCB board - that's right, why layout twice? When you can do it once! Auto-layout the PCB, run auto-routing, run HDI / impedance optimizer and signal trace optimization, adjust accordingly as needed, rapid PCB design!
Footprint presentation

footprints for PCB layout, dropped in a organized visual manner, ready for auto layout

Auto differential tuning

Auto differential tuning and matching tools, allow you to instantly change the look and the layout your routing, while maintaining your desired impedance and length matching

Auto optimized retrace

Trace / route optimization as you build, reroutes all unoptimized trace routes and repositions accordingly, all within the defined PCB rules and board geometry, manufacture / rules clearances configurations ( design rules ) - with one command

Symbol / Footprint search / find on canvas

locate and show location(s) and quantity, EIP( edit-in-place ) single or all, tap to smooth zoom

Auto route impedance optimization

corrects ALL non-green routes - with accept correction per item or correct ALL

( 3D ) 2D Workspace StackUp Navigation

a ( 3D ) 2D PCB workspace - you can view / manage / design stackUp layers in 3D . Trace Routes - Through hole - Blind hole - High-Density Interconnect (HDI) Vias, collision patterns, all build entities, with 3D optimisation feedback!

CO-Parallel Designing . Domains Unite!

with DSTACK Required . Domains Unite!
MCAD + ECAD parallel real-time workflow, co-directional co-updates with real time push and approve iterations, in-place-iterations appear ( user notified and approved )
ECAD = TEAMS - enables multiple team member users to work on the SAME DSTACK simultaneously ( check-out and check-in a circuit to work on ) whatever the assigned task(s) requires

Workspace Communications

Smart Chat
Right from the DSTACK workspace, chat directly with team members . Team chat ( icon with badge . with smart chat, knowing your on the SAME DESIGN TASK ) to receive and send messages directly about you design iteration

Project . Creation

Project management ( from drawer )
creating and managing projects from the project drawer panel, as usually
in-Project TASK! assignment

create, assign, and manage design tasks for any project . assign designs tasks for one or more projects to any team member

in-Project TEAM! assignment

Project > task > team - Add team members to any project or design task . You assign team members to projects and tasks vs the other way around

Task Assigned - Notifications

User is alerted via badge notification on the projects DRAWER icon to the available assigned DSTACK task(s) from a project(s) "Anytime Task Workflow"(TM)

New 360 CPU multicore programming architecture

parallelized hyper multithreading to run on multiple CPU/ APU / iCPU cores - functional tasks and rendering sequences that can be parallelized to maximize modeling platform performance ( where functionally applicable )in conjunction with hybrid platform development method, rapid feature creation with code-splitting ( ie: like Next.js ) modular portable components, like functional lego's, that's how we newly-Now roll!

Validating Canvas Workspace Type

Major successful platforms using this art board / canvas workspace format
Adobe corporation - Adobe XD ( Ai, Ps )
Figma UI design platform ( new Adobe asset )
Miro ( online diagram, layout tool )
Excalidraw ( developer art board / canvas diagram platform )
Usecase 2023 What is the best/easiest way to have one (hierarchical?) schematic file and have multiple board layout files? The project involves a stack of 10cm x 10cm (modular & cheap!) boards connected by a ribbon cable...

Platform Competitors . Marketshare

Outperforming ECAD 360 in Marketshare

conversions, adoption, and retention to subscription

Altium Designer
"Worlds most popular, PCB design software"
Altium 365
Where the world designs electronics.
Post 2023 . Linkedin From EAGLE (ported to ECAD 360) to Altium, why Nick Sorenson, Principal Electrical Engineer for Battlebots Team Ribbot, made the move to Altium
Cadence Allegro PCB Design
Effortlessly tackle complex projects with a comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use suite of tools.
A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
Post 2023 . Autodesk Fusion 237K YouTube subscribers 17 USER COMMENTS: Next video: "why you should migrate from Eagle( ported to ECAD 360 ) to KiCad" - @4yearsago - 9/2023
Intuitive User Interface, Has the shortest learning curve on the market ( not any more! )

The Pivot

Meeting all forecasted business requirementsUX UI Design & Functional Architecture by

CXO Brian M Stevenshttp://brianux.combrianux2024@gmail.com

The Schema Boundary Box(TM) on Canvas
The PCB Boundary Box(TM) on Canvas
boundary Box
boundary Box

By viewing this document All UX UI presented data / informational IP, in this document(s) hereof are of the IP properties of Brian M Stevens, all rights reserved. All Autodesk Fusion 360 IP, all rights reserved